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Flat poster

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Flat image


In the London Times classified section, a British family advertises the rental of a cozy bedroom in a spacious flat.  Once a week applicants are interviewed, but the chosen tenant mysteriously disappears - perhaps because eldest child is a closet sociopath or because the youngest is a portal to another dimension. Extraordinary events are everyday in this satirical homage to the best (and worst) of British TV. Flat!  brings together the talents of eleven writers and as many actors to present twelve episodes of this sitcom back-to-back. Inspired by the exploits of the British Broadcasting Corporation and similar lowly budgeted productions.

Written by
Love Alban
Tim Cummings
Kenny Finkle
Sibyl Kempsen
Kirk Marcoe
Jake Oliver
Kourtney Rutherford
Jason Schuler
Mike Taylor
Jon Leon Torn
Jennifer Zern

Performed by
Sean Day
Pierre-Marc Diennet
Tim Donovan Jr.
Jason Ellis
Alison Folland
Thomas Guiffre
Michael Lucid
Eben Moore
Okwui Okpokwasili
Kourtney Rutherford
Jason Schuler

Theme Song by
James Harrell
Ilyana Kadushin

Original Music by
Jason Ellis
Jonathon Stearns 
Mike Taylor

Lighting Design by
James Bedell

Chip Farnham
Jessica Gardner

Video Editing
James Papadopoulos

Dan Forgione

Animation Illustration
Alison Folland

Produced by
Kourtney Rutherford
Dori Ann Scagnelli
Jason Schuler 

Directed by
Jason Schuler &
Kourtney Rutherford

Created by
Jason Schuler


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